Wednesday 26 September 2012

For the Win

I have spent the last 24 hours in Mother's house. Raping her Wifi and Enjoying the warmth. It's great spending time with her and the pets pre-Norway. Going to be a long and crazy trip, it's nice to be grounded before we go.

I have been updating the KJBcast YouTube channel since yesterday, too. Currently talking with some big companies to get permission to advertise. You'd think you could just advertise, but no. FOX threatened to sue us yesterday because we advertised the Simpsons Tapped Out game, so we removed it and immediately began making requests through the companies to advertise for them. A strange one. I would be delighted if someone advertised KJBcast for free, I certainly wouldn't sue them. I already have gotten KJBcast a press pass to Microsoft so I began uploading those videos instead. You can see them here.

It's pretty exciting how the page is moving, although I have been unable to work on it lately. No wifi means I can't spam the page with news. I do my bits on my registered days and so forth, but once I'm back in a wifi zone more permanently I will be back on regular update duty.

I created our website from scratch. I did the design, probably 80% of the media on it and I pushed it to where it is today. I love it. It's a lot of fun to see something come together from nothing. I'm incredibly proud of the work I have done. I hope to get the page a lot further in the future, but this is really only year one. We're already making a profit from Appy Gamer (an app we are part of, you can get it here). A business making a profit on year one is pretty damn good as far as I am concerned!

In other news (and I use the word "News" lightly), Emz and I have been having weird sleeping patterns lately. Allow me to script out last night for you.

Time: 3am
Location: Bed
I am asleep, Emz is not.

Emz: Ken, I can't sleep.
Me: Awh, I'm sorry. I'll fix it now, just listen.
Emz: What?
Me: Shh...
*several moments pass, still silence*
Emz: You better not be asleep.
Me: *wakes up violently* Huh? What? Oh, Sorry Babe. *falls back asleep*

Moral of the story? My sleepy attention span is apparently only marginally worse than my normal everyday attention span. There was another time that Emz woke up and screamed, which woke me and then I screamed from getting a fright and then she screamed louder because I screamed at her. We're a weird couple.

Anyway, I think that's enough blog for today! Enjoy your day/night/whatever!

I like sleep
It's like death without commitment
- Unknown

1 comment:

  1. "My attention span is so much betteOMG I HAVE A POCKET ON THE OTHER SIDE OF MY POCKET!"
    - Ken
