Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Fight or Flight or Drive

Day 1 and I broke my promise. This is day 2. I was tired to the maxxxxxx yesterday, so I'm blogging to make up for 2 days today! Not that it matters, you won't read this until next week and by then it'll be out dated. Take that, society.

So.. we flew in to Norway yesterday. Y'know, as ya do. Our first flight was delayed and our second flight was super delayed. It was one of THOSE days. I miss Mum and the pets like crazy. I had such a good week there! We just watched TV and slept on the flight, so nothing really interesting there. 

We had a good time in the airports, though! I think the picture on the left was in Dublin Airport. It is huge. It's stunning! It was once all pencil, but I assume it is some form of ink or a copy now. Copenhagen Airport is always fantastic. I'm a member of their Wifi club, so I always have internet there. It's awesome. The plane delays were all sent straight to my phone through their app and came up as a push notification, which is pretty amazing. Copenhagen Airport is a stunning place. They're setting up a Victoria's Secret there, so Emz is super excited to go back. They've got a Lego shop, so I'm always happy to be there! Their architecture is just incredible. The picture below is of the place where we waited for our flight.

Emz mom picked us up in her new car, then we went to Emz dad's place and said goodbye to him, as he is gone for the next few days. So we're in the apartment getting settled by ourselves. This consists of TV, sleep and food. Good times! 

Since we've landed it has rained non-stop, but this city is known well for it's rain and such. So no surprises weather wise. I thankfully packed for the worst weather, so I'm cool with it. I generally like the rain. ESPECIALLY when I'm not in it!

I love Emz dad's apartment. It's a beautiful place and it's right next to a supermarket and the tram that takes you directly in to the city. It's amazing. 

As you can see by this picture, our second flight wasn't exactly huge. I had to store my carry-on luggage under the plane. I've never had to do that before! The plane was tiny. 2 seats per row and I couldn't stand up right. My head was against the top of the plane. 

I picked up my carry on luggage as I was getting off the plane and I got our many many suitcases after that. 

It was a great day to fly, though. Minor fog and mild turbulence but the rest was pretty damn good! The next few photos are of the flights and of the luggage, but I will probably stop writing now! I'll continue tomorrow. Not that it matters, you won't read this until next week! 

Borderlands 2 is insanely amazing. I wish I had more time to play it! I've clocked so few hours with that game. It deserves more! I need someone to play it with, though. I feel like I'm so far behind. My friend Eoin and I spent a weekend playing (and clearing) Borderlands 1. We spent way more hours than that just playing but this was a weekend dedicated to the completion of that game. Now I have Borderlands 2 and moved away. Whenever I play it by myself I feel a little bit like I am cheating on him! That's not enough guilt to make me stop playing or anything, but still! I got my new character yesterday, but haven't had a chance to try her out. I also just found out that there is a new DLC pack next week! That's really exciting. I wish I could afford the Season Pass so I didn't have to buy them individually way later (which will in turn cost more) but I need absolutely every cent for Norway.

Everything is so expensive here. I'm almost afraid to leave the house! I fear the cost of living here is going to be far more extreme than I had originally planned. It won't be a problem once I start working but so far it's a no go on the work front. It is only day 2 and I do have a job, there's just no work going right this second! I'm hoping that'll change soon, though. Money is needed so insanely much!

I have a theory that if I won the Lotto I would just be the poorest rich guy ever. There is so much that I want, and so much more that I want to do! Everything is just so expensive. If I won the Lotto, I know I would have a fantastic year! I'd get a car (Dodge Viper) and a house (Anywhere) with a bathroom by the bedroom and a window from the kitchen to the living room (other features too, but those are a MUST). I'd get another dog. I adore Evie but I really want a German Sheppard. Besides, Evie is my Mom's dog. I want to buy an insane amount of property and build a few houses on it where I can have my friends and family come and live there. Low rent, of course. Rent is needed just to make sure I don't go super broke after building this Utopia, but it would be so little that you could afford it no matter what.

I would build a studio underneath my house and I'd build a gaming room somewhere in there too. I've designed many a house in the Sims that I wish I owned, but even in the Sims I couldn't afford it for very long.

We went to a factory yesterday with loads of graffiti in it. That was pretty awesome! It's the best horror setting I've ever been in. It was pretty damn awesome. It was an old paint factory. There were burned out electrical units, giant paint spinners and so much more. It's pretty damn awesome. There were so many that I loved but if you really want to see them you'll have to find me on Instagram (@RoperSeiler). I'll upload them soon! I'll post my favourite one below! Let me know what you think in the comments section and if you see my Instagram, feedback me!

I really like when Graffiti and Street Art is clever. This is really well done! Unfortunately a lot of the amazing art in the factory was covered up by taggers. It's so senseless to me to wreck an amazing piece of art by writing a name over it.

Tomorrow we are going to a group of people driving vintage cars and we're going to drive up north with a huuuuge group of them. Since they will all be Beetle cast, I call it a swarm.

I'll make sure to take as many photos as I can and I'll post them for you all! Hopefully it will be fun! Emz is quite sick at the moment, so there is a chance that we may not go. But time will tell!

So yesterday we went out with Emz and her Grandfather. He is such a cool man! He knows everything about everything and has worked in a billion different places doing such different things. It was such an honour to meet him as I've heard so much about him over the last year and a half. He's a really nice guy. His Beetle was awesome! That's it in the picture, behind Emz and her Grandfather. We met up with a load of people driving 24 other Beetles and we all went in a convoy (or a swarm as I call it) up North to a museum for vintage cars.  It was so extremely awesome! As I said before, check my Instagram for more pictures! It felt awesome being in a Beetle. No seatbelt in the back, though. Safety didn't matter for backseat drivers, I guess!

This was the car in front of us for most of the drive. We stopped for Pizza somewhere. They had ordered it a few days prior to the drive so it would be ready, but it wasn't ready. We carried on driving and followed a replica of Herbie for the rest of the way. It was so fantastically awesome seeing Norway and driving with a group of Beetles (still a swarm) because every time we passed any people they would just stop what they were doing and their eyes would get so wide and they'd smile and be happy to just see so many of the same breed of car. It was amazing! People seemed to just love seeing all the old cars driving around. I certainly did, anyway! It was an incredible experience. Certainly one I won't soon forget (thanks to the blog)!

Today I set up my bank account and did all the nonsense of moving. I'm (sort of) registered now and such. I just have to renew my passport before January and I'm sorted. However, the Austrian embassy is in Oslo (8 hours from Bergen, where I am) which means I need to take a trip to sort out all my legal what-have-you to get organised. That should be fun! I still have yet to see Emz mom or friends because Emz has been sick, so we're doing as little as possible until she feels better. You should pop over to her blog and wish her well! You know.. when you're done here. Besides that, I think my week is pretty much done. I completed Borderlands 2, I'm kicking ass in Simpsons: Tapped out and the website is picking up speed again. Huzzah!

So this is the day I post the blog. It is insanely long now. Maybe I should of just made it bi-weekly! Borderlands 2 DLC came out today. HUZZAH! Whilst trying to find my Xbox hard drives I noticed they were missing. I didn't leave them in Ireland and they are not here. When we received our luggage I noticed that my clothing had been messed with and we had brought some tea with us and the boxes had been opened, so I figured they just needed to check that. Now I realised that those things are missing, so my finger is pointing at SAS. I contacted them regarding it, but have yet to hear back. Today has been alive for roughly 2 hours and it has all been shit so far. I'm hoping things improve soon! Anyway, time for the quote and what-have-you. Thanks for checking in! (Especially if you read the whole thing!)

When life gives you lemonade, make lemons.
Then life will be all like "whaaat?"
- Phil Dunphy 

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