Friday, 5 October 2012

Do Not Feed the Animals

Whaaaaaazaaaah? Deftones new track rockin' my ears right now, figure it's a good time to blog! Going out to dinner shortly. A friend from Norway, KJBcast crowd, Emz and I are going out for some food and booze in about an hour! Should be good. I will probably just save this and post it later. If I remember to get a picture, maybe it's a good idea!

Dinner was fun! Good way to say goodbye. Met Thomas, too. That was cool! Been a good day for good food! I had that doughnut over there! Thank the Simpsons for that impulse buy. I also had a fantastic burger.
Mannn I love food. Unfortunately it is never the healthy choice. I love burgers and hotdogs and doughnuts and most baked goods!..... I'm going to make a sandwich.

Ok, so. What else? Oh! I had this natural yoghurt with LOADS of honey in it. Healthy-ish! I loved that. The picture of that burger makes me want another burger. They have the BEST hotdogs in Copenhagen! If you're ever there, get it! They have amazing Soups, Chocolate and Ice-cream in Germany, but the BEST food you can get there is actually leberkäse. It's a meat that tastes fantastic. I adore that stuff!

We're currently awaiting a package from my Oma over in Austria that's got some amazing stuff in it, like backerbsen. They're these fried balls of dough that you put in to soup. It tastes incredible!

This dish is the honey one I mentioned earlier. FANTASMIC! Emz made it for me when we got home last night!

I have been considering how I should handle this blog. I can't post so much because there is not even nearly enough time in the day to do things and blog and whatever else. SO. I'll still blog daily, but post it weekly! Then it will be long and effective. I'm not sure what day yet, but I will! I'll write it, save it and write in it again the day after. Then I will post it once a week! That way it's easier to write and probably far easier to read!

Anyway, I think this about wraps it up. Remember to check out Emz blog and if you're playing tapped out, add me! @RoperSeiler89 (I think).

Take it easy!

We must have pie, 
Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie!
- Davit Mamet, Boston Marriage

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