Saturday, 29 September 2012

Burning Wexford

BLOG TIME. Favourite time of the.. well.. now.. This blog comes to you in one part, written over the day. Two parts in one. I'm currently waiting for my lift to Wexford, so I am writing about last night's gig. Burning Amber played the Harbour Bar in Bray.

The band were fantastic. Check out (and please like) their Facebook page, Burning Amber! The light was shit so I had to use flash a lot, but still I got some good pictures! It was a mad fun experience. It was their first gig and I think they did a fantastic job! Great experience for them. They headlined, too. Not shabby.

They played 11 songs. They had to repeat the first song simply due to time running out, but it all went fairly smoothly. If you exclude the guitar cutting out, a string snapping and the drum sticks going missing at the start.

Their set was fun and easy to bop along to. It was really cool! I got loads of videos, but I have yet to check their quality. Beyond that, we're heading to Wexford now shortly so Mum can check out a house. Hopefully all goes well and she can move there. We lived there before, so we kind of know the area. But we'll see how it goes.

Ok.. so.. I saw how it goes.. It was.. interesting. Here's a breakdown of the day.

Muse - The 2nd Law
Tremonti - All I Was
Alter Bridge - ABIII
Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold

This basically made our car ride seem less long (aka shorter). It takes roughly 2 hours to get to where we were going. Wexford is a very backwards place. I have a quote to help quantify the mind boggling place that is Wexford.

A almost 9 years ago I got a necklace custom made from my Mom. She had it made in a place called "Wexford Silver". I went in there today to ask to get it cleaned and not only did he (Kieran) clean it, he did it for free. I knew it was dirty but I didn't really know how bad it was until he was done. He made it look like new. I adore this necklace. I wear it every day. It is the piece of art you see in the photo next to this paragraph thingy thing.

What else happened? I showed Emz the glorious (HA!) town of Wexford. I believe her next quote should sum up everything quite nicely.

Emz quote of the day - "in Dublin you find used condoms on the ground, in Wexford you find used tea bags"

I love that quote. There was a lot to see, today. I ran in to a really old friend from waaaaay back when. He happened to be in town just basically doing what we were doing for the day. That was pretty cool. He's wayyy taller now, but I guess that's the difference in 6-7 years. 

<- I love this sign. The picture is fantastic, although I'm not sure if you can actually see it. If not.. y'know.. tough. 

So beyond that it was pretty uneventful. The house we went to see with Mum was pretty much under construction, so it'll need to be checked back in on in a few weeks to see. Seems like a nice enough place, though. Sort of. All-in-all, good day. We got chocolate, so. There's that. I feel that the most appropriate quote I could think of pretty much sums up our trip once we hit Wexford. Take it easy, folks!

Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads
- The Doc, Back to the Future

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