Sunday, 23 September 2012

A Picture is Worth 539 Words

All day I have been thinking of great ideas for a blog. Unfortunately for anyone reading this, I have forgotten them all.

Today served little to no purpose, even though I did a lot.. sort of. I am not really sure how it started, but god damn it if I do not unlock Bart Simpson in the "Simpsons: Tapped Out" game on le iPhone, I will freak out. Emz and I have been watching a lot of Simpsons episodes lately. So MUCH stuff on our TV list. My mom keeps suggesting "The Good Wife" but I have had no motivation to start something new since Castle ended. Currently my TV list, as it stands: 

30 Rock (x)
American Dad (√) Sept 30th 2012
Big Bang Theory (√) Sept 27th 2012
Breaking Bad (√) Summer 2013
Calaforniacation (x)
Castle (√) Sept 24th 2012
Chuck (√) N.A.
Cleveland Show (√) Oct 7th 2012
Desperate Housewives (x)
Dexter (x) 
Entourage (√) N.A 
Fastlane (√) N.A.
Fraiser (x)
Fringe (x)
Futurama (x)
Family Guy (√) Sept 30th 2012
Game of Thrones (x)
Heroes (x)
How I Met Your Mother (√) Sept 24th 2012
Lost (x)
Mentalist (x)
Mutant X (x)
Modern Family (√) Sept 26th 2012
Psych (x)
Rules of Engagement (x)
Sons of Anarchy (x)
The Good Wife (x)
The Office (x)
The Simpsons (x)
True Blood (x)
Supernatural (x)
Walking Dead (x)

The tick means I've caught up with it and the x means I haven't seen it all yet. N.A. means it won't be back and I've finished it. There are a LOT of shows there. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to pop them in the comments section below. There is a comments section, right? This list is made up from shows I want to watch, or Emz wants me to see with her, or people suggest. I'm always looking for new music and TV. Right now I have a huuuuge backlog of shows, though. Summer is the best time to catch up on TV purely due to a huge lack of good TV shows. TV season is always awesome, though. Every week there is something new and amazing. Summer? Nah. Don't get me wrong, there is some quality TV during the warm summer months. But not nearly as much as during the rest of the year.

On another note, we've been paying a lot of money to people we owe for crap we just don't care about. It's ridiculous. Things should not cost so much! The price of living in Norway is HUGE, buuuut of course they get paid more. In Ireland the cost of living HUGE, buuuut of course you get paid less. It makes no sense to me. I will gladly pay €4 for 3 pop tarts when you start paying me €20 an hour minimum wage. 

I never understand how this country actually survives. It makes no money, so it pays people less, so they spend less, so the country makes no money. It's a dumb circle. The only way to fix it is to pay everyone more. But hey, I'm just a blogger, what do I know? Oh wait, everything! Thank you, google. Do you like this thing I'm doing with the pictures to match my story? Positive feedback is always nice.

I am in love with my laptop. For starters <- this doesn't happen anymore since I'm rocking the Macbook Pro. I wasn't sure that I'd notice a difference between my old laptop and this, but mannnn it's different. People are always complaining that Apple products are too easy. I don't know any point in my life where something is every too easy. I love easy. I have no problems with easy. Make life easier, make yourself happier. I don't want a piece of technology that makes my life a living hell. I just want things to work and do what I want, when I want. No load time, no wasted time. Just work. 

I remember my mom was setting up our first fax machine when I was a kid. She spent a while just wiring it together and then she had to phone it to make sure it worked. It began ringing and for whatever reason she was so caught up in what she was doing that she blurted out "Fuck sake, someone ALWAYS calls when I'm in the middle of something" and stormed over the machine. I love my mom. When I run out of blog material, I'll just tell stories about dumb/funny things my family (and I) have done. That could fill the internet.

Anyway, on that note I will leave you with this quote. 

Never Buy a Car
You Can't Push

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